Innovate hands-on education.
For years, Clayton, dreamed of being able to provide hands on skills for each of our students to graduate with a marketable skill. His dream has been contagious, and we are finally ready to move ahead with it.
How HopeTech Got Started
35 years ago, our founder Clayton Shenk, moved into York city to pastor Tidings of Peace Mennonite Church. His heart was for the youth of York. 26 Years ago, he started our school with 5 students and the mission to provide HOPE for a brighter future through Christian education.
Today 32 families from York have chosen to partner with us in this goal, totaling 45 students. 5 of them our from our church, 20 from other churches, and the rest from no church, but all of them want a Christian education. Many of them are unable to afford the education we offer, and a majority of our finances are provided by generous donors. Those who receive scholarships complete 10 hours of community service each month.
For years, Clayton, dreamed of being able to provide hands on skills to our students. He wanted them each to graduate with a marketable skill. His dream has been contagious, and we are finally ready to move ahead with it.
We are excited about building a pole building to both house our vocational program as well as meet our maintenance and storage needs. We are building a 50’ x 100’ x 17’ pole building and any donated materials or labor you can provide would be phenomenal.
Current needs
- Lumber
- Metal
- Heated Concrete floor
- Insulation
- Garage doors
- Electrical/Mechanical
- Excavation
Before construction can begin, our operating deficit must be eliminated, and it needs to be fully sponsored.
Start date to be determined after our operating deficit is eliminated and the project is fully funded.
Shell materials quoted at A.B. Martin as of 7/22/2021
Lumber – 52,677
Metal – 16,369
Interior Budget
Being calculated
$70,000 on hand
Download the full PDF packet below
You can help improve education for our students!
For years, Clayton, dreamed of being able to provide hands on skills for each of our students to graduate with a marketable skill. His dream has been contagious, and we are finally ready to move ahead with it.
Let us know how you can help