Are you as a business owner feeling discouraged by the amount of money that the government is siphoning from your business profits?
You no longer have to watch this happen. Through EITC and OSTC you can support Christian schools with part of the money that would be going to taxes.
This is an opportunity for qualified individuals and businesses to contribute money that will be disbursed to the private school(s) of their choice in exchange for a 90% tax credit toward their Pennsylvania tax liability.
The Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit program is one of which we are uniquely qualified to take advantage. It is only available to families residing in failing school districts, of which York City is ranked the lowest performing in the state. So until that changes we will not be able to reach our limit of eligibility for OSTC funds. The same process is followed whether giving through EITC or OSTC, simply let your accountant or scholarship representative know that you’d like to direct any OSTC money to us.
You may add multiple schools in the school selection window to add up to the total you wish to contribute. If you have questions during the application process or you would like a PDF of the application, please contact FBEP | Jump to Form↓
If the provided info below doesn’t answer your specific question, reach out to FBEP on the provided contact form below | Jump to Form↓
Introduction to Special Purpose Entities
FB SPEs have the following operating characteristics:
- FB SPEs require a minimum commitment of $3,000 for two consecutive years.
- Applicants must submit their contributions within twenty days of acceptance of their application.
- 100% of the contribution will be sent to an approved scholarship organization. We plan to use Faith Builders Scholarship Services, which charges a 5% administration fee and disburses the remaining 95% to schools designated by contributors.
- FB SPE members receive 90% of their contribution as a tax credit toward their Pennsylvania tax liability.
Learn More
If Faith Builders receives applications exceeding the number of credits available, they will consider the following criteria when prioritizing applications for acceptance:
- Date of receipt of application
- Size of contribution
- School selection
- We will make an effort to benefit a variety of schools.
- We will give priority to those applications designating 10% or more to Faith Builders as one of the school selections.
Contact FBEP to Get Started
Contact Lucy Miller at 814-789-4518 ext. 245 or using the form below