Our Story

God Works Miracles
Tidings of Peace Mennonite Church held its first service on Sunday morning, October 24, 1954. Throughout its 67 plus years of ministry to the city of YORK, the members have tried hard to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in finding new and exciting ways to reach as many persons as possible with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
With the encouragement of Brother Jay Fox of Reading, the congregation voted in the summer of 1994 to start a Christian day school to answer the call of several in the community that were asking us to give an alternative to the public school system.
In 1994 the school building at 329 East Poplar Street was offered to the church. The congregation accepted the offer, and diligent plans began for opening day, September 4, 1995. Opening day arrived with 5 students enrolled along with 2 full-time and 1 part-time teachers.
Over these years, the student body has grown in numbers, and more than 50 missionaries have volunteered their time to teach these students. Some have served for a few months, many for at least 3 years and others for longer than 15 years.
On September 16, 2021, after 3 years of renovations with much support from the local and broader community, we were blessed to begin operating in the former Theodore Roosevelt School at 220 North Eberts Lane. It is such a joy to be able to continue our mission with even more space in which to do it. We are more excited than ever to see the vision of Hope for a brighter future fulfilled both here in York and around the world, because of what God is up to around here.