Student Websites

Spelling City

Spelling City is a website we discovered to be very useful for studying and doing ACE’s Word Building tests. Students can select the appropriate PACE Test and then study for and complete their test online.

Ace Diagnostic Test

Each student entering the A.C.E. program is given diagnostic tests to determine skill and concept mastery.


This is a NEW website for students to do extra practice. Ask your teacher for a user name and password.

For every answer given correctly, 10 grains of rice is donated to those in need around the world. The program allows students to learn while helping starving children around the world.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides schools everywhere a supplemental learning resource. Every subject is offered with visual and auditory leaning accommodations.


Memrise helps students to memorize more easily and efficiently. It is used primarily in the older grades in memorizing content for history class.

Learn & Teach Typing easily with

This speaks for itself, and it’s really useful.

Bible Gateway

Throughout a students work, there are many times in which they are prompted to access the Bible. This provides the Bible in digital form.